By U.S. Navy - U.S. Navy photo [1] from the Patrol Squadron 16 (VP-16) website, Public Domain,

Episode 40

Condor 49 (VP-4)

FL 200, 150 NM Northwest of Guam

“Ping Pong, we just lost sat comms.”

“Reset it.”

“I just did, negative function.”

“Both antennas?”

“Yep, both.”

Captain Travers considered her options.   In theory, they were there to search for Chinese submarines and had been dropping passive sonobuoys to listen for enemy vessels.  However, they had the ability to use radar and other more active measures if needed.

“Do we still have the AWACS with us?”

“Yes, I have her on UHF.”

“Are they comms dark also?”

“Yes, GPS is also out.”

She turned to her co-pilot, Lieutenant Karsen.  “I don’t like this.”

“Me neither Ping Pong.”

“Who do we have on the scope?”

“Task Force Archie is coming down from the AOR, they are about fifty miles out.  They are emissions dark, but we have them on coms.”

“Threat board?”

“Nothing on the board.”

“All aircraft within Guam ADIZ, enemy attack is under way, divert to your primary.  Tactical aircraft, tanker plan zulu is now in effect.  Repeat, all aircraft, divert.”

“What the hell?”

“Go active, light up the ocean.”

“Going active.”

“Condor four niner, this is Sentry Seven.  Multiple submerged launches, grid four six five by three two nine.   Ten… check that..  Twenty launches.  Estimate that we have a submarine launch of cruise missiles.  Forty, repeat forty confirmed launches.”

“Ping Pong, I have the contact, bearing one seven zero, five zero miles.”

Travers quickly turned the aircraft to the indicated bearing.  While not a fighter, the 737 based Poseidon was very maneuverable and could make turns that would have stunned a commercial airline passenger.

“Raid warning.  Raid warning.  Four zero vampires inbound Guam.  Raid warning, raid warning, four zero vampires inbound Guam.  Bearing three one zero, ten minutes current speed.”

“Work the problem people.  Those fuckers just took a shot at Guam.  He does not get away.  Forty launches, it could be more than one sub.”

Karsen gave Travers a concerned look.  “Captain, do we have the fuel for this?  What if we can’t go back to Guam?”

“Then we fucking swim.”

“Captain…  We only have two hours of fuel left.”

“Lieutenant, if you ever want to fly with me again, you will shut the fuck up and we will kill this son of a bitch.  Am I making myself clear?”

Abashed, Karsen looked down at his controls.  “Crystal clear, sir.”

As the P-8 approached the known firing location, sonar buoys started dropping from her belly.  Alternating between active “pingers” and passive “listeners.”

“I have a tentative contact on buoy three.  Firming up on buoy four.”  

“Coming around for a crossing pattern.”

The goal was to get enough buoys down in a large enough pattern to triangulate on the enemy sub.  Depending on how quiet the sub was, this would be merely difficult or downright impossible.

“Dropping buoys.”

“Solution firming up.  Sounds like a Shang class.  Hull popping, she is going deep.”

“Lining up for an attack pass.”

Travers carefully lined up on the suspected bearing.  They may only get one shot at this.  Patience.  Patience.  “Drop!  Drop!  Drop!”

The torpedo dropped from the airplane, it’s integrated drogue chute slowing it down before it entered the water.

“Torp is active….. Acquiring…    Trop has acquired…   Locked on…  HIT!   THAT IS A HIT!!  Breaking up…  That is a kill, sir!”

Travers felt a brief moment of elation before remembering that she had just killed over a hundred men.  Well, they took their chances when they came out to play.  Now, where the hell do we land this bird?

“Sentry seven, this is Condor, Actual.  We got any gas up here?”

“Negative Condor.  Hold one…  Won Pat appears to be on the air, we are headed there, we are bingo gas, cannot make Japan.”  Won Pat airport is the civilian airport on Guam.  Not a normal place for them to land, but at least there would be jet fuel there.

“Same here.  Headed to Won Pat.  Best of luck to you.”

If the Chinese attack again, we are well and truly fucked.

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