Pacific Command HQ
Joint Base Hickam Pearl Harbor, Hawaii
The “Torchlight” alert message had run through Pearl Harbor like an electric current. The one thing that Long Snap could not control was nuclear escalation. The entire plan assumed that red team was correct and China was attempting to manage the escalation in the pacific. If they were correct, a Nuclear response would not be forthcoming. If they were wrong, it could be the end of the world as we know it. A massive gamble on four aces as the Admiral had said.
Braverman arrived in the control room within minutes of the alert. General officers DO NOT RUN, but he certainly set a new world walking record.
“Admiral, looks like forty inbounds from DPRK. Current assessment is Japan. Likely outside of Tokyo.”
The Admiral studied the board. “Aces over kings” he muttered to himself.
“If the DPRK has nukes, they’re making the right move. Attacking South Korea just means that they lose it all. Attacking Tokyo means a western response and a more likely China escalation. This is their best hand, they’re all in with aces over kings.”
“And we are?”
“We are all in with four aces.”
“Isn’t that six aces on the table?”
“Don’t worry about that. Worry about China playing a Royal Flush.”
“Do the Chinese know we are playing poker?”
“I am betting the future of the civilized world that they don’t, son.”
All eyes were on the massive display on the far wall. Like a video game, it showed the tracks of the North Korean missiles and projected their tracks into Japan.
“Confirmed. Missiles targeting Japan. Most likely target is Yakota.”
“I want a bird over Tokyo RIGHT NOW. We need to know if the attack is nuclear. Get NCA on the horn. We will be asking for release authority.”
“Admiral, Long Snap phase 2 is active. Time on target is three zero minutes.”
“Any indication the Chinese see it coming?”
“Not yet, sir. Normal radar and air activity outside of the action in Korea. It looks like the strike force in Korea is starting to break off.”
Braverman looked down at his notes. “At least our intel on their endurance was good.”
“Yeah, strikes should arrive right when they are landing.”
Three of the four aces were in play. Strikes from Vietnam based Avenger drones, Tomahawks from the Navy and JSOWs launched from B-52s. Only the final ace remained.
“Give ace four the go.”
“Aye, aye admiral. Ace four is go.”